Thursday, February 3, 2011

Review: PF Changs, Gluten Free Menu

I recently turned seventeen and went to my 'go-to' restaurant that I'm always safe at, PF Changs.

I thought I'd do a little review on what I get and my experience there. I am not getting payed or getting any benefits doing this review, I am just doing it to help others. 

Whenever we go to our local PF Changs everyone is polite, courteous and our waiter asks first thing if anyone at our table has allergies. When I reply saying I do, they immediately mark it down on their note pad and hand you a gluten-free menu. The last time I went, they had moved from having two separate menus, a gluten-free menu, and a regular one, to now putting the gluten-free portion of the menu on the back side of the normal one. 

At PF Changs they have separate silverware, and dining ware too. If you ask for soy sauce, which we all know normal soy sauce has wheat in it, they will gladly bring you out gluten-free soy sauce. 

For dessert they have a to-die-for chocolate dome type thing. 

All-In-All, It is the only restaurant I completely trust not to get sick from cross-contamination or stupid careless mistakes that 'normal' restaurants make. 
I highly recommend you go to their website and find out if there is one near you.

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